The project “Going on excursions over Moscow” will be implemented within the framework of FIFA World Cup

For the time being, 1,450 certified tourist guides-interpreters are working in Moscow holding tours in 24 languages. 810 more guides give tours in Russian. By 2018, Moscow will have 2.5 thousand certified tourist guides-interpreters and guides. Metropolitan authorities expect to host over 21 mln. visitors in 2018, nearly one million of which will be football fans.
For those fans who are do not feel comfortable when making their way within the city, or who came to Moscow for the first time, walking tours “On the way to match” will be available. Such tours will allow fans to see major sightseeing sites and museums of the capital and to attend a match on time, since the length of a walk will be known ahead of time. 6 tour itineraries in Russian and in English have been developed.
The project “Going on excursions over Moscow”, which became an integral part of City Day celebrations, will allow fans to visit over 50 tours in literature, historic and regional studies museums especially within the framework of FIFA World Cup.
Moscow authorities promise to create holiday atmosphere, therefore all tours will be held free of charge.