The prophecies of Vanga in 2017

Techno 26 September, 2017

2017-01-27 17:33

Wang: predictions for 2017
Psychics see the future of the country and what to expect this year, we can only guess

The Prophecies Of Vanga

This unique woman was not the predicted one event which failed to come true. That’s why her personality and predictions are credible.

In General, Vanga predicted by many, but the most memorable moments include the following:

By the year 2000 will disappear one of the Arab countries and flood the big city. Kursk – a direct confirmation of this.
In 2014 people will start to die because of cancer or skin problems.
In 2018 a world power will be China.
In 2028 will open a new source of energy.
In 2046 there will be a big step in medicine, it will be possible to transplant any human organ.

Will come true or not, is known to God alone. But in the history of the famous and those predictions that have not come true. Although, maybe they were just translated incorrectly.

Unfulfilled predictions of Vanga

The beginning of a nuclear war in 2010.
Extinction of animals and plants in 2011 and the beginning of the chemical war of Muslims with the people on the planet.

The prophecies of Vanga in 2017

Wang predicted that by the beginning of 2017 Europe will die because of many wars people will die on the borders of the different countries. First, Wang said that the first country, which will be empty, will be Libya. But, as a result of changes both the emptying of the country by 2017 will be Syria and talked about this great clairvoyant.

The war in Europe

The beginning of the Third world war will begin in Europe, as the conflict in the middle East, affected many countries. Europeans will fight Muslims in the struggle will be used the nuclear weapon that will destroy the whole world.

Verbatim Vanga predictions for 2017 find unlikely, as they all have been translated into modern language. Maybe that is why sometimes the information doesn’t add up, blame poor translation.

Believe it or not the predictions of Vanga, a matter of each person. But one thing we can say with confidence: rely a hundred percent on the seer is not worth it. Her practice was like a prediction that came true and disproved. For example, Wang said that in 2010 the war will begin, which will last four years. As you can see, this did not happen. So not everything that they say clairvoyants can be considered true.