The spring equinox of 2018: find out what number

Techno 16 March, 2018

2018-03-16 20:15

The spring equinox of 2018: find out what number
Since ancient times the spring equinox was held in high esteem among our ancestors.

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Since ancient times the spring equinox was held in high esteem among our ancestors. And even today many people worldwide are happy to meet the first spring holiday. Therefore, it is important to know in advance about when comes the Spring equinox in 2018, in time to prepare for its implementation, reports Rus.Media.

Date of onset of the vernal equinox

The vernal equinox is considered a rather important event, because it is a unique natural phenomenon, the essence of which boils down to the astronomical movements of the Sun and Earth. So, in all countries of the world the night duration is equal.

According to the astronomical point of view from that special day, you can safely start the countdown the onset of this spring season. However, every year the onset of this momentous event is slightly shifted due to the fact that the interval between the spring and autumn equinox has about 365, 24 solar days. In connection with the unstable fluctuation of hundredths after the decimal point and associated gradual shift of the date of the day when darkness and light at the day level.

Modern astronomical instrument allows with great accuracy to calculate the several years in advance of the onset of the equinox. Therefore, it is known that the vernal equinox in 2018 will come on 20 March.

Since ancient times people have been held in high esteem 4 key points of the annual cycle, in which they built their life: summer and winter solstice and the vernal and autumnal equinox. Each point was considered sacred, since its occurrence everything in nature has varied.

In 2018 the spring equinox and the solstice will occur on March 20 in 16 hours 15 minutes GMT.