The Sûreté du Québec, research demonstrators, volunteers

News 11 March, 2018
  • Photo archives Agence QMI, Joel Lemay
    For more realism, the participants are even invited to bring a scarf to hide the face or a gas mask.

    Dominique Lelièvre

    Sunday, 11 march 2018, 11:17

    Sunday, 11 march 2018, 11:20

    Look at this article

    In an announcement widely shared on social networks, the Sûreté du Québec invites students “to be manifested” in the course of a year. Internet users have instead seen a clumsy attempt to prepare for the holding of the G7 in June.

    The document apparently affixed to a bulletin board of the Université Laval announces the holding of an exercise in crowd control for police officers from the SQ to Valcartier on Wednesday 14 march. “Would you like to be of the adventure by playing the role of a demonstrator?”, so it is written.

    For more realism, the participants are even invited to bring a scarf to hide the face or a gas mask.

    The announcement was marked and then circulated on Facebook by the “Collective Subvercité”, which describes itself as a group that is anti-capitalist. The publication had been shared more than 600 times in 18 hours on Sunday.

    Contacted by The Newspaper, the SQ has denied any link with the G7, which will bring together several heads of State in La Malbaie. This is an annual exercise for which the police force has already appealed to students in the past, explained lieutenant Jason Allard.

    “It really is a training related to the regular operations in the sense that it is part of the training that we give to our group of maintenance and restoration of order,” he said.

    “Naturally, you understand that the best way to make practice of police officers in conditions as real as possible is to have people on the other side”, he added.