The suspects of a shooting still at large

News 8 January, 2018
  • Photo agence qmi, pascal girard
    The police officers of the urban agglomeration of Longueuil intervened quickly in the middle of the night from Saturday to yesterday, at the Cabaret Doric, where a shooting has injured a waitress and a customer. The suspects of this attack were still at large Sunday night.

    Catherine Montambeault

    Sunday, January 7, 2018 21:52

    Sunday, January 7, 2018 21:52

    Look at this article

    The responsible of the shooting that has two people in a dancing bar of Longueuil early Sunday were still being sought by the police in the evening.

    A waitress for forty years and a client of thirty years, were hit by projectiles when a suspect fired at the Cabaret Doric in the night from Saturday to Sunday, reports the Service de police de Longueuil (SPAL).

    The two victims were discharged from hospital during the day, according to the manager of the establishment of the boulevard Taschereau, Normando Lareau.

    The latter says that two men entered the bar around 2: 45. Shortly after, an altercation would have ensued, and at least one of the two individuals would have unsheathed a gun and would shoot in front of him several times.

    “The bar was pretty full. Everyone started to yell and lie down on the ground. It was panic “, he says.

    Valérie Gagnon, a waitress at the Cabaret Doric, was cleaning tables when she heard gunshots. She stood just to the side of his colleague, which was hit in the arm by a bullet. As for the client, he would have been shot in the head.

    “It could have been me “

    “It could very well be me in his place, mentioned the woman 26 years old, still in shock. I threw myself to the ground and I started crawling to try to hide from me. This is where I saw my colleague run with the arm in blood. “

    According to the two witnesses, the people who have been injured were not the true targets of the shooters. “For me, it was a settlement of accounts, said Mr. Lareau. But the waitress and the customer were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. It is well known, and they are not involved in business notes. “

    The manager says that none of its employees has not been recognised by the responsible of the shooting, who fled before the police arrived.

    An investigation was opened to shed light on this event. Thirty witnesses were interviewed by investigators from the SPAL.

    Violent incidents

    This is not the first time that the Cabaret Doric has been in the news for an event that is violent.

    • In 2011, Francis Dupont and his son Francis were killed in a sudden baseball bat in the apartment located above the bar dancers. The guilty, Claude Bessette and Mario Bernier, were sentenced in 2015 to 9 and 13 years of prison respectively.
    • In 2008, Alexander Gusman was made to fire on a 34 year old woman several times. This last has survived, barely, and the man was sentenced in 2010 to 16 years in penitentiary for this crime linked to street gangs.