The test climate for the highway projects

News 20 February, 2018
  • Charles Lecavalier

    Monday, February 19, 2018 23:39

    Tuesday, February 20, 2018 00:24

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    Major projects, such as the 3rd link, may be subject to a “test climate” under the new law on the quality of the Environment.

    The ministry of the Environment has confirmed, during a technical meeting, yesterday, that the “test climate” may apply to the project, the 3rd link to Quebec as well as other extensions to the exits as they contribute to an increase in emission of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

    This review request, among others, the quantification of GHG emissions for each phase of the project and identification of measures to reduce GHG emissions. In the case of highway projects, the increase in automobile traffic will be taken into account in this test.

    Later in the day, the minister of the Environment Isabelle Melançon has also stated during a media scrum that she could ignore the results of this test or use it to block a project.

    New procedure

    The “test climate” is a new procedure that has emerged during the revision of the Law on the quality of the environment, adopted in march 2017.

    Last Wednesday, the 24 projects of regulations related to the implementation of this law have been presented by the government Couillard.

    It confirms that some industrial projects will now be required to submit to a ” test climate “, which is necessary to obtain a ministerial authorization.

    On Friday, Ms. Melançon had indicated during an interview at the Duty that she did not know if she could block a project in the event of a failure of this test.

    Yesterday, she made an adjustment to the shooting. “If a company says “I do not bend, there are other processes that are less polluting, but I prefer a choice that pollutes more,” we can refuse to issue the certificate, ” she explained.

    The minister of the Environment may, however, accept a draft pollutant in spite of everything, if it is the only possible option. Ms. Melançon believes that public opinion is a safeguard to be effective. “I am elected, if I’m fi, I’m going to make a tack. “