The tower of Babel really existed

Techno 24 January, 2018

2018-01-24 11:18

The tower of Babel really existed
Archaeologists found the first evidence of the existence of the tower of Babel, discovered the first physical evidence of the existence of the tower of Babel – ancient tablet Dating back to the VI century BC.

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The legend says that once all people spoke the same language, reports Rus.Media. One day, they dared to build a tower to heaven and were punished. The Lord confounded the languages so that people no longer understand each other. In the end the tower collapsed.

Archaeologists found the first evidence of the existence of the tower of Babel, discovered the first physical evidence of the existence of the tower of Babel – ancient tablet Dating back to the VI century BC On the plate depicts the tower and the ruler of Mesopotamia by Nebuchadnezzar II.

The plaque was found almost 100 years ago, but only now have scientists begun to study. The finding was important evidence of the existence of the tower, which according to biblical history was the reason for the appearance on earth of different languages.

Scientists suggest that the construction of the biblical tower was begun under Nabopolassar, during the reign of king Hammurabi (about 1792-1750 years to n. e). However, the construction was completed in 43 years, in the time of Nabuchodonosor (the years of 604-562 BC. e..).

Scientists report that the content of ancient signs largely coincides with the biblical story. In this regard, the question arose – if the tower really existed, then how truthful the story of the wrath of God that has deprived people of a common language.

Maybe someday will be found the answer to this question.

Inside the legendary city of Babylon in modern Iraq, are the remains of the huge structure, and the ancient records imply that this was the tower of Babel. For researchers, the tablet offers further proof that the tower of Babel wasn’t just a work of fiction. It was a real building in ancient times.

The biblical legend about the tower of Babel

The biblical legend about how the people wished to build a tower to heaven, and it got to the penalty division of languages, it is better to read the Bible in the original:

1. The whole earth was of one language and of one speech.

2 as men moved eastward, they found in the land of Shinar plain and settled there.

3 And they said one to another, let us make bricks and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and bitumen for mortar.

4 And they said, we will build ourselves a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven and let us make us a name, before dispersed in the vast face of all the earth.

5 And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the children of men builded.

6 And the Lord said: behold, one people and have all one language and this is what they began to do, and nothing will be restrained from them, what to do;

7 let us go down and there confound their language, so that they may not understand one another’s speech.

8 And the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth; and they stopped building the city [and the tower].

9 therefore is the name Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth: and from thence the Lord scattered them across the earth.

History, construction and description of the ziggurat Etemenanki

Babylon is known for many of his buildings. One of the main figures in the exaltation of the glorious ancient city of Nebuchadnezzar II. It is in his time was built the walls of Babylon, Hanging gardens of Babylon, the Ishtar gate and the Road processions. But this is only the edge of the iceberg — within forty years of his reign, Nebuchadnezzar was engaged in the construction, restoration and decoration of Babylon. Their completed works he left behind large text. We will not dwell on all points, but here there is mention of the ziggurat in the city.

This tower of Babel, which, according to legend, was unable to finish due to the fact that the builders started speaking in different languages, has another name, Etemenanki, which means Building the cornerstone of heaven and earth. The archaeologists during the excavation was able to discover a Foundation for this building. It was typical for Mesopotamia ziggurat (we can also read about the ziggurat at Ur), which is the main temple of Babylon, Esagila.

For all the time the tower was several times demolished and rebuilt. For the first time, a ziggurat was built by Hammurabi (1792-1750 years BC), it already managed to sort. It was the legendary building were during the reign Nabopolassar, and the final construction of the tops was taken over by his successor Nebuchadnezzar.

A huge ziggurat, was built under the supervision of the architect of Assyria Arandas. It consisted of seven storeys with a total height of about 100 meters. The diameter of the structure was approximately 90 meters.

On the top of the ziggurat was a Shrine, covered with traditional Babylonian glazed brick. The sanctuary was dedicated to the chief deity of Babylon, Marduk, for there was a gilt bed and a Desk, and on top of the sanctuary is enshrined the gilded horns.

At the base of the tower of Babel in the Lower temple was a statue of Marduk, made of pure gold with a total weight of 2.5 tons. The construction of the Etemenanki ziggurat in Babylon used about 85 million bricks. The tower stood out among all the buildings of the city and created the impression of power and grandeur. The inhabitants of this city sincerely believed in the descent of Marduk to his place of residence on earth and even talked about this famous Herodotus, who visited here in the year 458 BC (a half-century after construction).


From the top of the tower of Babel was seen and another from a neighboring city — Eurominsci in Borsippa. Is ruins of this tower for a long time attributed to the Bible. When the city lived Alexander the great, he offered to rebuild the magnificent structure again, but his death in the year 323 BC left the building forever dismantled. 275 year Esagila was rebuilt, but not rebuilt Etemenanki. A reminder of the former large buildings were only the foundations and immortal mention in the texts.