The use of garbage bags denounced

News 8 March, 2018
  • Photo courtesy
    An attendant, the beneficiaries of a CHSLD de Limoilou has denounced the use of garbage bags in the chairs with ease.

    Elisa Cloutier

    Wednesday, 7 march 2018 22:09

    Wednesday, 7 march 2018 22:09

    Look at this article

    The direction of the CIUSSS of the National Capital argued on Wednesday that it requires the use of bags absorbent in chairs of ease in a CHSLD, and does not replace them with garbage bags.

    In the aftermath of the publication of the Newspaper showing the use of garbage bags instead of bags absorbent in the chairs to ease the CHSLD de Limoilou, the CIUSSS that insisted that this method of work was the result of any instructions from her.

    “There is no directive of the institution for the use of garbage bags in the chairs of ease in its NURSING homes, or no budget cuts related to the use of envelopes for hygienic [bags absorbent] “, one can read in a press release issued Wednesday.

    “This is just what we had “

    However, another support worker beneficiaries who recently worked in this ltc facility has confirmed to the Newspaper that the garbage bags were the only ones available on the fourth floor. “It was just like this [garbage bags] that we had. I’ve never seen bags of absorbent on the floor. I put a bag of brown paper in the bottom of the trash bag, for this to be a little more absorbent, ” she said, wishing to remain anonymous.

    Contacted by The Newspaper, the spokesperson of the CIUSSS Annie Ouellet could not confirm that bags absorbent were available for residents at CHSLD de Limoilou, on Wednesday. “What we’re doing today, is that it ensures that the staff understands the point, which is to use the bags absorbent in chairs of ease in CHSLD “, she repeated.

    It has not been possible to assert or deny that the garbage bags were used during the outbreak of gastroenteritis, as asserted by the CIUSSS Tuesday.

    Ban garbage bags

    In addition, the vice-president of the Fédération interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec (FIQ), Patricia Lajoie, met with the director of nursing, on Wednesday, which confirmed that this practice would now be prohibited.

    “She [the assistant to the executive director of nursing at CIUSSS] told us that she would see to it that garbage bags are no longer used, that it would be steps in that direction today [Wednesday],” she said.

    What they said

    “This is a local issue. We rely upon the comments of the establishment ” —Catherine W. Audet, press attaché to the minister Gaétan Barrette

    “I hope that Dr. Barrette will finally act on this file to ensure that the directions of all the facilities in Quebec feel responsible and be accountable of the quality of the services that are given to our elders” —François Legault, leader of the Coalition Avenir Québec