The workers at the ABI reject the offers of the employer

News 11 January, 2018
  • QMI agency

    Thursday, 11 January, 2018 00:42

    Thursday, 11 January, 2018 00:42

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    BÉCANCOUR | union employees of the Bécancour Smelter (ABI) has voted to 80.3 % compared to the last offers of the employer.

    The final offer and the overall management party had been filed at the end of the month of December and 1030 unionized workers of ABI voting on Monday and Tuesday.

    Shortly after the unveiling of the results Wednesday, the president of the union said to be convinced of the possibility of a negotiated agreement.

    “The employer has attempted a coup de force, putting an abrupt end to the negotiations with the filing of a final offer. This has not worked, said Clément Masse. Our members are unified and determined. We remain convinced that a resumption of negotiations, at this stage, may allow you to arrive at a negotiated agreement.”

    For its part, ABI has said to receive “with disappointment in the rejection of its bid.” The company has not specified if it trigger account lockout.

    The pension plan is one of the issues of the negotiation. The company would like to establish a different regime for newly hired workers, which is opposed strongly by the union, who did not wish to create a system of benefits to two-speed.

    “This is a significant change than going from a defined benefit plan where the employer assumes the risk of a regime RRFS where the risk is assumed by the worker, said Mr. Mass. The members are not convinced that the employer is investing enough into the plan so that the game is worth the candle.”

    The mayor of Bécancour, Jean-Guy Dubois, hoped that the parties renew the dialogue. “It is obvious that we are going to have discussions here at our local level and we work to keep [the smelter] open. This is the only goal, and I’ll do anything to keep it open”, he assured.

    – With the collaboration of Louis Cloutier