They want to get their pension

News 15 December, 2017
  • Axel Marchand-Lamothe

    Thursday, December 14, 2017 22:19

    Friday, December 15, 2017 00:14

    Look at this article

    Crime victims turn to the courts for social assistance recognizes that their compensation are not income.

    In a petition presented Thursday at the palais de justice of Montreal, the three victims are asking the superior Court reversing a judgment issued in September by the Tribunal administratif du Québec (TAQ), which confirmed that they were required to repay the equivalent of their monthly pensions to social assistance.

    The attorney of the plaintiffs, Manuel Johnson, argues that the amounts paid by the Compensation for victims of criminal acts (IVAC), are intended to offset the consequences of the permanent impairment to the physical or psychological integrity of its customers, and not to meet their basic needs, as provided for in the social assistance.


    “On the human level, the decision of the TAQ has not only deprived victims of their compensation, it produced a very strong sense of injustice “, said to Me, Johnson.

    The TAQ held that the rent paid by IVAC to these three persons was not part of the exclusions from income provided for by the law, and that the department was entitled to subtract it from the monthly benefit.

    The parties will be back before the judge in April to set a date for trial.