Trans Mountain: 28 protesters arrested in British Columbia

News 18 March, 2018
  • AFP


    Sunday, 18 march, 2018 04:16

    Sunday, 18 march, 2018 04:16

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    BURNABY, British Columbia | The royal Canadian mounted police (RCMP) arrested 28 people came to demonstrate against the expansion of the oil pipeline of Trans Mountain, Saturday, in Burnaby, near Vancouver, British Columbia.

    “The police came and explained what was going to happen, the protesters will cooperate, everything is done very calmly,” said the spokesman of the protesters, Amina Moustaqim-Bar, Radio-Canada.

    Opponents arrested were in violation of an injunction, which prohibits them to be within five metres of the construction site of the oil terminal Kinder Morgan in Burnaby, according to Radio-Canada. This injunction was granted by the supreme Court of British Columbia on Friday in the company. The latter claimed that protesters had stopped vehicles and employees to gain access to the site.

    Saturday’s demonstration is the first of a series of events that must take place each day until 26 march. Another event had brought together a few thousand people, a week earlier.

    The expansion project of the oil pipeline of Trans Mountain, which aims to triple the amount of oil transported from Alberta to British Columbia, is the subject of a disagreement between the governments of the two provinces. If the project materializes, 900 000 barrels of oil pass each day at the Burnaby terminal. This oil is intended to be exported in Asia.