Two serious injuries in an accident in Rougemont

News 16 March, 2018
  • Photo Erik Peters

    QMI agency

    Friday, march 16, 2018 07:51

    Friday, march 16, 2018 07:53

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    ROUGEMONT | Two people were seriously injured in a road accident in Rougemont, Montérégie, in the night from Thursday to Friday.

    A vehicle that was travelling on route 112 in east direction, at about 2: 20 a.m., went off the road for a reason that remains unknown and has finished his race in a ditch.

    The jaws of life were needed to free the passenger in the vehicle. This person has been seriously injured and there are fears for his life.

    The driver also suffered serious injuries, but his life is not in danger.

    An investigation has been opened by the Sûreté du Québec. A reconstructionist visited the site in order to shed light on this accident.