Ugo Fredette pleads guilty to four counts

News 16 March, 2018
  • Photo courtesy

    Claudia Berthiaume

    Friday, 16 march 2018 14:39

    Friday, 16 march 2018 14:42

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    The man at the origin of the longest Amber alert in Quebec has recognized this afternoon have fled the ontario police, who tried to intercept it to put a child of six years in security.

    Is wanted for the murder alleged by his wife Veronica Beard in September 2017, Ugo Fredette has attempted to scampering away with a minor.

    In his flight, which extended from the Laurentian mountains in Ontario, passing through the Abitibi, the 42-year-old allegedly stole the vehicle of an elder to cover their tracks.

    Fredette is also accused of having killed this man of 71 years.

    When the Ontario provincial police has finally spotted the fugitive, he refused to stop.

    170 km/h

    The pursuit reached speeds ranging from 120 to 170 km/h, indicated the lawyers to the judge François Beaudoin.

    The authorities have had to use a spike mat, and a gun electrical pulse to proceed to his arrest.

    The six year old child was subsequently placed in safety by the police.

    This afternoon, at the palais de justice in Saint-Jérôme, Fredette has pleaded guilty to four charges of dangerous driving, flight, possession of a stolen vehicle and resisting arrest.

    Three months in prison

    He was sentenced to three months in prison, followed by a driving prohibition of three years.

    It is an award rather theoretical, explained the prosecutor of the Crown, to Me, Steve Baribeau, because Fredette is currently being held preventively since September in relation to two cases of murder.

    The accused 42-year-old, who is defended by Pierre Gauthier, will return to court in August to undergo its preliminary investigation as to the charges of homicide.