Ukrainian woman brutally killed her newborn baby with scissors : Crime news : Vladim

News 10 February, 2018

The inhabitant of Nikolaev living in the residential district Salt, killed her newborn baby with scissors, and the body thrown in a dumpster.


According to local media, this is the third child of a single woman. She gave birth to him on the balcony, then stabbed twenty-one hit with a pair of scissors, wrapped the dead body in a diaper and threw it in the trash.

Deputy head of the local national police spoke about the incident on his page in Facebook, where the added information that the law enforcement authorities took minimal time to install and to detain the criminal.

Currently detained is subjected to a Protocol procedure, hold the value, then it waits for a medical examination and transfer of investigation materials to the court.
Important aggravating circumstance, according to investigators, is that at the time of the murder of a newborn two children were present in the apartment.