UQAM creates a research centre on the constitutional issue
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QMI agency
Monday, 12 march 2018 13:59
Monday, 12 march 2018 13:59
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MONTREAL – The Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) announced on Monday the creation of a centre for policy analysis on the constitution and federalism, nine months after the launch by the government Couillard of the first Policy statement of the Québec and relations in canada.
Québec, through the Secretariat to the relations of canada, provides a $ 100 000 grant from UQAM to enable it to carry out its activities.
According to Alain G. Gagnon, who directs the center, this new structure will enable a better dialogue between researchers in Québec and Canada on the constitutional question.
“The silence of the constitutional values that characterize the canadian federation may not be beneficial for the establishment of a just democracy,” said Mr. Gagnon, by issuing a press release.
“It is important today to engage researchers at all levels of the society,” he added.
The center for policy analysis task will be to promote the research on constitutional politics and federalism and to facilitate trade within academia and with civil society.
The minister responsible for Relations with canadian, Jean-Marc Fournier, welcomed the initiative of the UQAM, which, according to him, “reflects” the policy statement “Quebec, our way of being Canadian.”