[VIDEO] An “early syncope” to the national Assembly

News 28 March, 2018
  • Photo Simon Clark/QMI Agency
    The mp Eric Cairo

    Marie-Renée Grondin

    Wednesday, 28 march 2018 11:36

    Wednesday, 28 march 2018 11:36

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    The response from the prime minister to a question by the mp Eric Cairo on the proposed 3rd link between Quebec city and Lévis, has led to what the president of the national Assembly has called “the beginning of syncopation”.

    “On the third link, I’m going to say it very clear, on behalf of the government, our support is unquestionable, is not questioned…”, the prime minister said in the chamber on Wednesday.

    This element of the response of the prime minister has caused an unexpected response from the mp caquiste that pushed a laugh a full-throated, if exaggerated, that he surprised all the members of parliament.

    “No, but is that it is a court of primary school, here? What is this… what is this behavior, Mr. President? Frankly, the citizens of Quebec will be able to judge it”, then insurgent is the prime minister, before completing its response.

    “Not only will we put 20 million in the project office to do the studies — ouch, $ 20 million, it is the money to do the studies, but in relation to the second objection, we are going to be, at a given moment, able to say in the world of Quebec : the third link, this is it. It starts here, then goes here, then there will be so many people that will go in it, then it’s going to cost so much. At this time, it will be part of the programme québécois des infrastructures, not how it’s done… Frankly speaking, it is the amateurism of the second opposition,” he reassured.

    It is also worth mentioning that Philippe Couillard has not failed to attack Eric Cairo on its position as expressed “for years” on the radio waves of Quebec, concerning the collective transport.

    “For years, in their radios in the morning in the car, they (citizens of Quebec) have heard this colleague déblatérer on public transit and there, all of a sudden, there, may be that finally, the public transportation… So, what is it? What is this attitude? What is this ethics-where-to-population ratio?”, is it insurgent.