[VIDEO] “You grease your gang before you go, is that it?”

News 14 March, 2018
  • Photo Simon Clark/QMI Agency
    Alain Therrien

    Marie-Renée Grondin

    Wednesday, march 14, 2018 13:27

    Wednesday, march 14, 2018 13:27

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    Visibly exasperated by the salary increase of 26% to the CEO of Hydro-Québec Éric Martel, the member pq Alain Therrien didn’t mince words Wednesday, questioning the government to this effect.

    • READ ALSO: the remuneration of The grand patron of Hydro-Québec explodes 26%

    “The orgy of wage increases in liberal continues. After the doctors, the executives of Bombardier, the Caisse de depot, it is now the wages of P. D. G. Hydro-Québec, which explodes under the liberal regime, Mr. Chair. In 2017, Éric Martel has won 815, 000 dollars, Mr. President. This is an increase of 26 %, 186 000 $. I know that they are disconnected of the reality, the people on the other side. I’m going to explain something very simple here. The average salary in Quebec, there, it is 46 000 $. Just the salary increase of Éric Martel, it is 186… It’s four times almost the average wage of the province’s wage increase. The D. G. Hydro-Québec, a State-owned monopoly, 815, 000 Dollars, Mr. President. […] Definitely with the liberals, the gluttons are force-fed, Mr. President. With the liberals, the bar is open. When are you going to stop squandering the money of Quebecers for the benefit of the 1 %?”, he explained, which has greatly reacted to the parliamentarians in the room.

    For his part, the minister of Energy, Pierre Moreau has argued in favor of the yields of Hydro-Québec, and compared the remuneration of Mr. Martel with that of the “other State corporations”, or “energy companies in Canada or the United States”, stating that it is “the lowest”.

    Then the member for Sanguinet has added a layer. “Listen, Quebecers see it, they are discouraged : 815 000 $, P. D. G. Hydro-Québec, a State monopoly, no competition. The minister, once again, dares to defend it. Coudon, you grease your gang before you go? Is that it?”, he yelled before being scolded by the president of the national Assembly, Jacques Chagnon.

    “It should still make a report… say that the wording of the question leaves much to be desired on the plan at least ethics. […] Yes, it came from the heart. But you have a big heart, I know, but do not let it overflow as you did,” said Mr. Chagnon.