Videoconferencing again prevented a drone attack base “Hamim” in Syria : In the World : Vladim

News 7 January, 2018

Videoconferencing prevented the attack by unmanned drones on Russian base “Hamim” in Syria. This is the second attack of ISIS* in the last few days.


One of the drones managed to destroy, then the attack bogged down. To date, data on the likely victims. Representatives of the military base said that flying drones was a simple mechanism in a handle of wood, to which was taped with duct tape motor and explosive devices. All this was regulated remotely. After a few shots one of the devices fell and the rest fled. After a few minutes all was quiet.

On the last day of December the terrorists launched a series of mortar shells at Russian base “Hamim”, was eliminated seven aircraft. Soon, the defense Ministry denies this information. According to the military base attacked by militants and two soldiers died.