Virgin Canada got pregnant at age 29 with IVF due to aversion to sex : In the World : Vladim
A virgin at the age of 29 years were able to conceive using artificial insemination. After birth she will continue to continue to keep out men.
A resident of Canada to the age of 29 have never had sex. What’s more distasteful to her affection with men. This fault diagnosis “gipopituitrizm”. When the body does not allocate the desired number of hormones that are responsible for sexual desire. Since childhood, the girl took medicines with estrogen, but matured for a long time, and the guys didn’t interest her at all. She admits that she kissed only once, and this process she did not like. Now she thinks sex is even worse.
Girl wants to have a baby in order to get advice on this issue, it has addressed to the gynecologist. He said that she might get pregnant with in vitro fertilization she needed sperm and eggs. She spent $ 1,000, but was able to get pregnant.