Waiting for an organ donation; 260 patients died in 2016

News 14 December, 2017
  • QMI agency

    Thursday, December 14, 2017 06:54

    Thursday, December 14, 2017 06:56

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    OTTAWA | The canadian Institute for health information (CIHI) has published on Thursday a report showing that 260 patients have died in 2016 while they were waiting for a transplant.

    The number of organ donations is against a net increase over the past 10 years.

    Donations of organs after death has increased by 42% over the past ten years, improving the time of transplantation for specific organs has revealed the latest data of

    In 2016, 2835 transplants have been carried out in the country. There are 3421 Canadians on various waiting lists. In total, 758 deceased donors who have helped 2291 grafts.

    “Organ donation after a cardiac arrest, or death, neurological have had significant impact on patients waiting for a transplant. We begin, more particularly, to see a decrease in the number of patients waiting for a lung or a liver, which is a very good sign for patients and the health system in general,” said Greg Webster, director of information Services, ambulatory care and short-term to the canadian Institute for health information.

    If the donation of organs after death has increased, the donation of living persons have experienced a decrease of 11 %, while there were 544 donors in 2016, which has led to many transplants.

    In Quebec, the figures are substantially the same in 2015 and 2016, and the province is among the three that show the highest rates of organ donation after death.

    “The national programme of organ donation from living persons increases the number of transplants, which eliminate the need for dialysis and give patients a better quality of life, said Kimberly Young, director of the donation and transplantation of organs at the canadian blood services.

    “However, there is still a lot of work in regard to organ donations from living or deceased, so that more patients with treatable illnesses can receive the organs they need and be removed from wait lists.”