Weather map of the Newspaper: the risk of thunderstorms and severe weather by the end of the evening

News 17 July, 2017

    Frédéric Guindon

    Monday, 17 July 2017 11:32

    Monday, 17 July 2017 11:32

    Look at this article

    MONTREAL – weather forecasts are unequivocal: there is a possibility of severe thunderstorms in the afternoon and evening for southern Quebec.

    Montreal, the Montérégie, the eastern Townships and Bois-Francs could be the regions most severely affected if the possibilities of thunderstorms materialize.

    We are talking here about 60% of possibilities of showers that are due to “a weak disturbance from the south of Ontario,” according to

    The mercury may indicate 25 degrees Celsius, and 31 if we take into account the Humidex.

    As for the Outaouais region, in the Lower Laurentians, the Mauricie region and to the region of the Capitale-Nationale region, they are more likely to be spared by the storms and severe weather.

    For areas more to the north, is characterizes the risk of thunderstorms of “low”.

    Here is the weather Map from the Newspaper. A realization of Éric Chatigny, in collaboration with Hydro Weather.