What it says about the person her birthday

Techno 1 October, 2017

2016-09-22 22:52

What it says about the person her birthday
Birthday can tell a lot about a person.


“Number one” — and that’s it. It is a sign of creative, original and highly independent people. Their self-sufficiency has two opposite faces: on the one hand, that self-confident people, which often serve as an example to others; on the other individualists and egoists who are not ready to reckon with other people’s opinions. Often act as leaders and initiators — they have a strong pioneering spirit and determination. They are quite ambitious and are willing to take the risk in order to achieve his goal. Among negative traits: impulsiveness, overconfidence, and stubbornness. Due to the natural restraint, they can be very difficult to demonstrate the fullness and the depth of their feelings even to the closest people.


The second day people are born who are distinguished by their sensitivity. Any request from even strangers they will never disregard. “Deuce” — a symbol of balance and a strong Union. This is a great for business partners, colleagues, friends and companions of life. A love story similar to a fairy tale — it’s about their relationship. Often the “twos” play the role of mediators and arbitrators — they are great diplomats: sincere, educated, receptive. And yet it is the sacred number of artists and romantics. These people work well in a team, but, however, not inclined to take the initiative and do not like to be the center of attention. Their excessive shyness is often the main stumbling block for the solution of important tasks. The other extreme sensitive nature — the tendency to fall into depression.


“Troika” — a sign of artistic imagination, creative intelligence, communication skills and empathy. It is a symbol of interaction and neutrality. The third born of the indefatigable optimists, who know how to be happy and to enjoy life. They peculiar state of eternal love. The owners a great sense of humor. Endowed with great intuition, thanks to which identificeret most important thoughts and ideas. According to “threes” is to listen carefully. As dvushek, their sensitivity sometimes goes to the other extreme — in moments of sadness they are prone to depression, exaggeration of minor problems…


Responsible, conscientious, serious, reliable people who are not afraid of challenges and do everything that they are successfully resolved. Surrounding it is a fast read, not by chance to the “fours” are often heard requests for assistance, and they do not remain unheeded. Born on this day people have a brilliant business reputation. Their own labor, they are able to earn a solid status. It seems that there is no such case which would be beyond their strength. Many of the Quartet tend to the exact Sciences. These people take a sober attitude to any failure, seeing failure as an inevitable part of life experience. From their mistakes they are able to draw the right conclusions and, in consequence, favor. Moreover, any difficulties and obstacles on the way only fuels their passion and force, spare no effort, in that it did not achieve the desired.


“Five” — a symbol of freedom in numerology. And people born under this number, you know how to use it and dispose of as directed. “5” — a sign of avid travelers and adventurers. Very communicative, interesting and versatile people. Often this is a digital stamp of genius. Those who was born on the fifth day are prone to mysticism. They are attracted by all mysterious, strange, unknown… the Main advice that I would like to give “fives” to slow down! Do not jump to conclusions from situations and not rush things. Your impatient nature and desire for quick decision-making can play a cruel joke with you and make unhappy.


It is a sign of love and understanding, honesty and loyalty, family and friendship. People born on the sixth, a very strong sense of responsibility, artistic talents, craving for the Humanities. They are generous, Thrifty, help others: practical advice and, often, money. “Six” — lovely friends who can be trusted with innermost secrets. However, this number is associated with onlie jealousy. They are quite stubborn, Intrusive and susceptible to flattery.


A sign of wisdom, which often dominates the senses. Not by chance the people that appeared “happy” on the seventh day (and they really are always lucky!), I love to read, always ready to learn something new and to connect his life with intellectual activities. Have a strong capacity in science and inventions. Lovers of solitude, a perfectionist. On the negative side of the “sevens”: the secrecy, the passion for disputes, sarcasm, tendency to isolation, stubbornness, irritability.


In numerology is a symbol of power, patronage, Executive and management abilities. People who was born on the eighth day of any month, often find their calling in politics, become experts in the field of corporate governance and feel cruisecompare a position of strength (by the way, this is reflected in the sex). They are self-centered, greedy for praise, I dream to achieve universal recognition. “8” is a number that represents a high income and material success. Do not try to put pressure on the pity “eights” and to call for their heart — remorse is alien to them. The traits with the sign “minus” can be attributed to excessive ambition, toughness (not brutality) in relation to subordinates and looking to ladang a whole. A lot of money and a dizzying work can “figure eight” to spoil.


One of the most sentimental of representatives calendar month. Selfless friends, romantic partners, interested business partners. In “the nines” has a well-developed writing talent — don’t let it go. One of the greatest characteristics is generosity. It is celebrated by everyone who is familiar with these representatives. Easily forgive insults and condescending to nedostatkami. Responsible workers who never fail to launch a new project. The only thing missing multiple “nines” — more attention to their own finances. Any amount of money instantly disappear from their hands.


One of the most controversial numbers. Is a combination of two sacred numbers, the meaning of which is reduced to the expression: “all or nothing”. People born under “10”, operate simply and bluntly, they avoid the intrigues, the complicated twists and a cunning plan, and always chose the most obvious way to do it. They have a pure soul and big heart, is very popular among his friends and always pull the attention of others. The Council “desyatochka” — visualize your goals and dreams: you must provide and rassmotreli all the details that they were true.


No other number has such a strong spiritual component, as number eleven. From childhood, they choose the path of inner development and charity. Material assets concern them in the least, they care about your soul. Such people realize the power of words, so carefully weigh what others say and never give empty advice and recommendations. In their opinion, really, is to listen carefully — you can be assured that they have already evaluated all the possible consequences of Peretiatko decision. Their inner instinct borders on psychic.


From one people, born 12 August, took strong will and positive attitude to life and neugebaude energy. But from deuce — inner harmony, balance of power, brilliant organizational skills and interpersonal skills. Twelve is a sacred number for the whole of humanity, and this fact cannot be ignored. More than a thousand years ago it was selected to determine time of day, division of the year into months and length measurements (feet = 12 inches). Not coincidentally, these representatives often falls awobamise — they can change the world for the better.


Most controversial in numerology the number that denotes the stage of transformation. Born the thirteenth and the number of people can’t leave anybody indifferent. The carriers of the digital code of life strive for excellence in their lives constantly, there are some changes in personal life and at work. The word “stability” is clearly not from their vocabulary. One of the faults of its representatives, intolerance towards others. After a major argument, they rarely give a second chance, even if the person that clearly deserves. In addition, they are very lazy, which often prevent them in achieving their goals.


This number belongs to people who believe in absolute freedom without any restrictions. Don’t even try them in something to limit, they will disappear from your life forever. Pretty fiery — it’s better not to get caught under the hot hand, you can earn. In a fit of rage absolutely can’t control myself, regret. The characteristic strong sexual arousal that borders on lust. More passionate lovers very difficult to find. Very amorous, even when in stable relationships always keep another man in sight. The carriers of the digital code often fail in business this number is due to the loss of material goods. They should treat their finances and asobancaria, it is best to trust their management a reliable partner, whose aura is able to repay the adverse event.


Under this number are born inventors and visionaries. By nature they contain mazzatenta: from the technical to the poetic, many of which can be successful in the profession. However, to solve the most difficult tasks they often lack patience and inner discipline. Any difficulties and problems taken too much to heart. However, to openly Express their dissatisfaction not used, preferring to remain silent. They are extremely sensitive and very painfully react to the slightest criticism. Representatives of this digital code is strongly developed compassion — they are much more keenly feel the pain of another person than most, it is difficult to understand the oppression of the weak or helpless.


Personal number 16 suggests that the bearer is a deep thinker analytical, nothing betrays his true feelings. Responsible, educated, receptive, generous, in his own mysterious and independent. Has excellent intuition. Responsible and required 200%. In his youth, not afraid to Express their opinion about everything — openly and with dignity, but unfortunately, then often called the know-it-all and an upstart. With years stronger withdraws into himself and becomes more reserved, closed, uncommunicative, cautious. He hates superficiality: if the “16” I decided to start a relationship — it means that his feelings are strong and serious. This is a very sensual and loyal partner.


What are they hardy! It’s amazing how such a strong physique coexist with a sensitive soul. Want to win the heart? Sincerely show your love and affection — “17” will not tolerate falsehood and hypocrisy. From childhood, their delicate nature is not tenable. It’s very difficult to accept failure. The word “no” to them instantly makes them angry and even aggressive. If they believe in something, to convince them otherwise would be impossible. Love attention to his own person. Often act as muses and source of inspiration for creative people.


Digital sign fighters for justice. Such people are prepared to defend not only their own interests, but also the rights of their friends and colleagues. However, they are quite conservative in any case rely solely on personal experience and knowledge, rarely listening to the opinions of others. “18” is the figure born of the aristocracy. They will suffer greatly and can even fall into depression, if for some reason stain their reputation and will do everything possible to restore it. These people are very concerned about their appearance and how attractive they are seen by others. Rarely get into funny situations, because they used to act with extreme caution. In a love relationship above all else, mutual respect. Often these people have a deep emotional bond with their mothers, whose moral support and approval for them is extremely important.


“As you sow, so shall you reap”. Saying which is the best symbol of the path of people born on 19 th. Their life scenario resembles the Kingdom of mirrors. They should be extremely careful about what they say and do. Any action (noble or vile) never passes them without a trace — fate constantly reflects and returns a hundredfold. Often they are paying for the mistakes of the past. Energetic, pragmatic and determined people. Prefer stability in the family and in the profession and rarely takes off his perch. Materialists to the brain and bones — for them is of value only what can be touched. Success in any business they evaluate only in terms of money.


Categorically cannot stand alone — the more people in their environment, the better. Great speakers and loyal friends, work well in a team, happy to take an active part in public events. Like noisy celebrations, concerts… Hospitable, friendly, adventurous. Romance. Love music and dancing, have great creative potential. Such people say “spoiled child” — many of their wishes come true as moven magic wand. Amazingly, they often complain about their life, are dissatisfied with their achievements. Easily fall under foreign influence.


Those whose birthday falls on 21-e number — Swingers, where to look. Every day they are ready to thank fate for every day of its existence. Often come from wealthy families. The fact that the number 21 twice a year we have solstice symbolizes their prosaic nature. They are obsessed with money, who love them. They make excellent economists, bankers, financiers. They should entrust the full management of the family budget. Attach great importance to their own status and position in society of her partner. They are cynical and ironic. Another weakness is sex, which they literally possessed. They know how to separate feelings from the animal desire, so if change your favorite, then do this solely by the dictates of instincts, excessive excitement and just to relieve the tension.


Twenty-two — a sign of education. Those born under this number love to teach others and perfectly cope with this task. Teaching and lecture work cut out for them. “22” — these scholars, a broad range of interests which can only envy. To them nature has a mission to open and explain to others the complex processes occurring both on earth and beyond. Hence, for example, their desire for space. They are not afraid to take responsibility for the words spoken, for the committed acts. These people need praise and pay them compliments, from which they blossom. The person this number is determined by the fate of the winner. However, the success he achieves in life not by chance but through the hard work. Among those who was born on 22 August, a lot of philanthropists and benefactors.


In the mysterious number 23 encrypted with a sense of adventure and constant forward movement. People born under this number, bold, swift, decisive, impulsive, sociable and fickle. Have great potential in the business, working in the financial sector and the sphere of innovations. However, their talents, and they can happen in almost any profession, thanks to high intelligence, creativity and progressive ideas. They are full of optimism, enthusiasm and curiosity. The most important thing in life for them — freedom, they do not like to answer to anyone. Have tremendous power of attraction to the opposite sex, sensual sexual partners. They are like a magnet that attracts complicated situations and problems. So their life is simple.


It is a symbol of security and loyalty. There is no more careful and cautious representative of the calendar month. Before you decide on the minimum step or action, they will weigh all “for” and “against”, making the possible consequences and only then make a decision. Freak the freak out — this is clearly not about them. A special place in their lives is food. Moreover, this is manifested in various aspects: they can open their own restaurant or to become famous as a brilliant cooks. Their exemplary discipline is legends.


The lives of these people manages intuition, bordering on psychic powers and predictions. They contain a kind of mysticism. It’s incredibly sensitive people, whose opinion is neglected in any case impossible. If a person decides to change its decision due to the fact that he “felt something wrong” — it is not necessary to deduct it from the accounts, and it is better to listen without explanation. One intuitive abilities are not limited. In the amount of two and five to one SIM card, and it is a symbol of intelligence. To carry out reckless acts not in their rules.


In the amount of two and six give eight, two closed spheres which form the sign of infinity. It is a symbol of the continuity ties. It is the most faithful friends and wives. People life code which is “sewn” number 26, take on the role of patrons — for that they have all the original data: a strong-willed character, powerful energy, leadership, sensitivity. among the negative aspects: vanity, the desire for unlimited power and the desire to “crush” others for themselves. Such people love the order gives them purity and beauty.


In numerology this figure embodied the power of healing. Its members find soapresponse in the field of medicine and healthcare. They are excellent healers, often proponents of alternative therapy. The owners of the “27” intuitive, emotional, capable of deep compassion, they do not need to teach compassion, caring for others, they feel every fiber of the soul. They never give up, take the lessons from life experience and can easily start over after failure. Prone to strong mood swings, impatient, cocky.


The figure, which symbolizes the law. Those people whose birthday falls on the 28th with a high degree of responsibility. They always call to order and compliance with the proposed rules. To be a great judge or work in law — written on their family. At the other extreme, speak for themselves never admit guilt and are prone to constant accusations against others. So imperious character softens “two”, which gives their creative imagination and imagination.


A number with a great emotional potential. Often go to extremes (today — like tomorrow — hate). The fact is that the numbers in their structure are at opposite ends. First — make them peacemakers and diplomats, the second is a charismatic adventurers. With the money they life — they come to him pretty easy: earn good money, win the lottery. But on the personal life they have to work seriously, constantly fall for the “wrong people” close with your partner often suffer from feelings of insecurity.


“Tridtsatka” — the sign of business, independent and strong-willed people. Have a fantastic memory, able to concentrate well, “diving” from the environment. The possibility of their huge intelligence, insight and quickness of mind, help to cope with difficult situations. Their life is full of events, along with them not boring. If you want an impartial assessment of the events — ask the advice of a man who was born the thirtieth number. They won’t hesitate to say in the face of the truth and to help practical advice.


The sign of a determined and independent people. Don’t miss a single opportunity that life provides them. Special personal style and creative approach are visible in everything they do. Any business which they undertake, will be brought to perfection. This property helps them to gain a high position in society. The excellent organizers of the most challenging projects. Don’t like to walk the beaten paths and always looking for new ways and directions. Appreciate stability and loyalty. Don’t try to cheat you’ll lose their trust forever.