Winning at life

News 22 February, 2018
  • Photo courtesy Loto-Quebec

    Sylvain Dancause

    Thursday, 22-feb-2018 17:00

    Thursday, 22-feb-2018 17:00

    Look at this article

    “What is most shocking in the scandal, it is that you get used to it.” – Simone de Beauvoir

    Did you know that 100 business leaders, the best-paid in Canada earn nearly 200 times more than the average employee? 30 years ago, this ratio was 40 times…


    In September 2017, nine months after the beginning of the year, the combined profits of the major canadian banks reached $ 31.5 billion $.


    Last week, Léo-Paul Lauzon was resentful of this party: “If this is not our canadian banks that are involved with the big firms of accountants and lawyers in tax evasion dibs of our canada’s economic elite, then why are they so subsidiaries and affiliates in tax havens…”

    In The end of exiles, Jean-Martin Aussant also reminds us of the consequences of the practices of gangsters in suits who move abroad in search of their capital by resorting to schemes of doubtful.

    If the economist Aussant tells us that “when we exercise our patience in the hope of a major surgical procedure, it is because of the tax havens”, the prof Lauzon, meanwhile, offers us a solution with a view to putting an end to these practices.

    When is the revolt?

    The doctors

    With an average income estimated at 697 000 $, radiologists arrive good first among all medical specialists in Quebec. Knowing that 0.21% of individuals reported a total income of $ 500,000 or more for the tax year 2015, it is possible to affirm that they belong to a select group.

    For your information, in the same year, 94% of the individuals had a total income of less than $100,000.

    With an average salary of about $ 400,000, you don’t have to worry for all medical specialists.

    In short, it is hardly surprising that the dissatisfaction widespread when one learns that medical specialists will get “increases of 11.2% over eight years, equivalent to a recurrent expenditure of 511 million over eight years” and that “Québec also provides a non-recurrent amount of $ 1.5 billion…”

    In fact, 511 million, it represents what?


    I propose you a small math class to answer the following question: how to evaluate an investment in education?

    To your calculators…

    – How many students attend the youth sector in Québec?

    – A little less than a million, Sir.

    – Bravo! In order to facilitate the calculation, we will assume that we have 1 million students… If the government gives a grant of a million dollars, how much will each student receive?

    – It makes $ 1 per student, Sir!

    – Excellent. As we are 1200 students in the school, how much money does the director receive?

    – Easy mister! 1200 $.

    – OK. The specialist doctors will receive about$ 500 Million… how much is This per pupil if this money arrives in the educational system?

    – $500 per student, sir.

    – And for our school?

    – 600 000 $, Sir!

    – It is the director who will be happy with it! It can hold about 7 full-time professionals (remedial teachers, speech therapists, psychologists…) or 10 technicians in special education…

    I invite you to do this calculation mind-blowing for your school. Then, you can dream about all the possible options in order to help your young people each week.

    What is the real value of a doctor? I don’t know.

    However, I know that it should not be a business, and that it has the social responsibility to care for people.

    For his part, Milton Friedman argued that the social responsibility of business is to increase its profits.

    I find that this philosophy disastrous contaminates my services to the public.

    More money in education?

    Are you sick?

    The people could get out of his deep coma.