World lottery with multi-million dollar winnings is now available for residents of Russia

News 5 December, 2017

The queue for tickets Powerball! Do not miss your chance to win up to 9.5 billion rubles!
Tomorrow night will be the draw for the us Powerball lottery where the main prize is as much as 9.5 billion rubles!


After the record-breaking draw in September, when the main prize was more than 13 billion rubles, for the second time this year the jackpot is approaching such a huge amount.


Americans who love to play Powerball, standing in queues since the morning, and the media in the United States are making comparisons. For the same amount You can buy: 40 luxury apartments in new York or 100 cars a Ferrari California. The presence of such a large sum in your Bank account will give You more than 3 million rubles income from interest per month.

Can the Russians to play the Powerball?

Yes, any adult Citizen can play Powerball online through the website of World Lottery Club. Using this platform, You can buy a ticket and get Your prize in Russian rubles, all site and technical support is available in Russian language.

Why choose us?

  • We count over 500 thousand regular users
  • We have over 2200 positive feedback on Trustpilot
  • Only WLC gives you the opportunity to win huge cash prizes where ever you are
  • Unlike traditional lotteries, we provide a wide range of special offers and discounts, to increase your chances to win a prize
  • You can also subscribe so you never miss a draw

Now you can get a chance to win a huge Powerball jackpot amount to 9.5 billion Russian rubles! The fun doesn’t end there: we are the only new player if you buy 1 ticket, get 2 absolutely for free.

Give yourself a chance to become a billionaire?! You decide!

Take 2 free tickets Powerball!