6 easy ways to make flee the robbers

Avto 3 October, 2017
  • Frédéric Mercier

    Monday, October 2, 2017 12:24

    Monday, October 2, 2017 12:24

    Look at this article

    The thieves have more tricks in their bag to steal a car or what is inside.

    It is unfortunate, but the dangers of theft are part of the reality of motorists, and it does not seem about to change. Fortunately, certain measures can be taken to reduce your risk of becoming a victim.


    Read also: 10 cars most stolen in Quebec


    Always lock your vehicle

    We start by the base. A car unlocked and unattended, it is like a buffet for a thief. So to take what he has in the car to go out with, you make life easy for the thief.

    Park in visible locations and enlightened

    When you leave your car unattended, make sure that it is placed in a well lighted parking lot and at the sight of all. The small dark alleys are a true playground for thieves.


    Don’t hide the spare key to it in the car

    Regardless of your little hideaway, an experienced thief will know how to find it. Never leave the key extra hidden somewhere in the car or stuck on a piece of bodywork. It’s called playing with fire.

    Hide your valuables

    In Quebec each year, tens of thousands of material goods are to steal a car. If a thief sees your laptop or your camera in the back seat, he will take the means to penetrate to the interior. Put all the chances on your side by always leaving valuables in your vehicle.


    Equip yourself with an alarm system

    The trick to clear off the thieves is to make your car more difficult to steal than those who are around. If a thief has the choice between a car with an alarm system and another that does not, its decision will be easy to take. An anti-theft system hooked to the steering wheel can also do the job well.

    Make chipping your car

    The majority of stolen cars are resold as spare parts. By chipping your vehicle, you will make the resale of its parts a lot more difficult. And by the same token, you may remove both the desire for thieves to pick on you.