The outputs cinйma of June 28, 2017

Cinema 28 June, 2017

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“Transformers 5: The Last Knight’, Michael Bay
Read our review here.

“Look for the woman”, Sou Abadi

Astonishing bias as that of Sou Abadi! Dйnoncer the extrйmisme in the form of a parody does not йtait not a bad idйe of dйpart… but oops: the rйsultat is plutфt wobbly! Mahmoud (William Lebghil) returns radicalisй a trip to the Yйmen. He opposed the choice of his small sњur, Leila (Camйlia Jordana), and prevents it from going out of the house. Up to here, “Look for the woman” holds the road. But then! The boyfriend of Leila (Fйlix Moati) dйguise by practicing muslims to be able to approach his chйrie. Mahmoud falls under the spell of this unknown voilйe and the marriage proposal. Sйrieusement, who believe it? **

“Great Cold”, Gйrard Pautonnier

The business is going wrong in this month of dйcembre for pumps funubres Zweck. Whew, a death points his nose! Two employйs (Arthur Dupont and Jean-Pierre Bacri), leave in a hearse to drive the casket to the cimetiure. Nothing will happen as prйvu. “Great cold” plays а background on the black humour (what idйe to get this film out in the heat!), and зa works! ***

“My chick”, Frйdйric Forest

When Vincent (Thomas Solivйrиs) get dumped by his girlfriend Elina, this is the end of the world! At 18, he is at the bottom of the chasm. Fearing for his santй, her parents (Isabelle Nanty and Pierre-Franзois Martin-Laval) dйcident to subject him to a sort of cure dйsintoxication love to forget this girl. Their mйthode and their speeches on love, are they good? When their son found the joy of living (we will not tell you how), it is the turn of parents of spin and doubt their own couple. “My chick” then changes direction suddenly and goes to the comйdie nice but boat а the fable of the grotesque and lourdingue. Shame! *

Other movies а see this week

“The return on our steps”, that is a score of films tirйs of the great cycles and projections spйciales of the Cinйmathиque switzerland (Lausanne) in 2016. “Furyo”, “Crash”, and ten others are а (re)view between Wednesday and Sunday. The cфtй of Genuve, focus on Barbet Schroeder. Do you know him? Swiss and German, the cinйaste is nй а Tйhйran, grew up in Colombia and has dйcouvert the cinйma а Paris. Go see one of his films (“The Lawyer of terror”, “Calculations murderers”, “The Lady killers”,…) to cinйmas of the Grьtli until the 4th of July!