Fantastic Animals 2: What to expect from Dumbledore and his relationship with Newt?

Cinema 6 July, 2017

Newt and Dumbledore will have to team up in Fantastic Animals 2 if they want to defeat Grindelwald! What to expect from the future director of Hogwarts and his relationship with our hero?

You wanted to know what Grindelwald was doing and what was to become Newt Scamander (Norbert Dragonneau en VF)? It fell well, the official synopsis of Fantastic Animals 2 fell at the beginning of the week, bringing its share of new information and revelations! Because this little summary of the next adventures of our magizoologist has revealed some elements of his future adventure. Namely that 1) Grindelwald, as he promised at the end of the Fantastic Animals, will quickly get the trunk in order to try to establish the wizard’s dominion over the world; And that 2) Newt and Dumbledore will associate in order to put sticks in the wheels and to prevent him to realize its dark design. Yes, here is a team-up that we hoped without being sure that it would take shape! In short, one begins to wonder what kind of relationship our slightly shy, somewhat clumsy hero might well weave with the young Dumbledore, who will not yet be the wise and powerful director of Hogwarts that we loved Follow in the Harry Potter saga!

For it must be remembered that, in the 1920s, Albus Dumbledore is still only professor of Transfiguration! And that he will have to wait a few more decades before occupying the seat of the director of Hogwarts (and grow this beautiful white beard). It must also be taken into account that the death of his sister Ariana – which might or may not be shown in The Fantastic Animals 2 – will still probably be fresh in her mind. The escape from Grindelwald will probably have as a consequence to bring to the surface this tragic event. And so one can imagine that between his own guilt, his anger toward his rival, and the combination of his relative youth, Dumbledore will certainly be more impetuous and more ready to take risky initiatives than the wise headmaster of Hogwarts, . This does not mean that it will be no less powerful, of course!

It remains to be seen then what relationship this young Dumbledore could maintain with Newt in The Fantastic Animals 2. We already know that our hero was sent back from Hogwarts to protect Leta Lestrange (Zoë Kravitz), with which he maintained a complex bond that ‘And we also know that Dumbledore was ingenious in defending him and in order to cancel his expulsion. Difficult to know if he managed to convince the director and the other teachers of Hogwarts present at that time. What is certain is that already, at the time, Dumbledore used to take up the cause of the pupils whom he knew innocent of what they were accused of! So, at Melty, we think that the sorcerer will play a little Newt’s mentors, as he will have the opportunity to do it for Harry thereafter. And in view of the fact that our hero seems to devote a great deal of respect to his teacher, we imagine that he may at first be a little impressed by the idea of ​​cooperating with him. Especially if it’s to stop Grindelwald, be the most powerful black sorcerer in history after Voldemort! Anyway, the duo Newt-Dumbledore is likely to be particularly interesting!