A first “french” in the feminine

Art 14 July, 2017
  • Photo Agence QMI, Toma Iczkovits
    Sonia Vachon, Hélène Bourgeois-Leclerc

    Anne-Lovely étienne and
    Bruno Lapointe

    Friday, 14 July 2017 18:35

    Friday, 14 July 2017 18:35

    Look at this article

    “I had never kissed a girl in my life “, laughs and says Sonia Vachon at the premiere of the film De Père en flic 2, in which it forms a couple with Hélène Bourgeois-Leclerc.

    “Me, yes,” says the latter.

    The two women have had to take several times during the filming of some scenes so that the audience can really believe in their love story.

    “The first English, was not very credible. We shouted that this was not good ! I was shy at the beginning. Then, we ressaisies, there has been a gum for good breath and we kissed each other like true love, ” says Sonia Vachon.