Denis Coderre and Valérie Plante squared off in a televised debate Thursday night

News 19 October, 2017
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    QMI agency

    Thursday, 19 October, 2017 09:27

    Thursday, 19 October 2017 09:35

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    MONTREAL | The outgoing mayor of Montreal Denis Coderre and his main rival, Valerie Plant, in view of the municipal elections of 5 November, will face off in a televised debate this Thursday from 18 h to 19 h 30.

    The debate will be moderated by François Cardinal, a columnist-in-chief of The Press, and all media have been invited to disseminate it.

    To participate in the debate, a candidate had to have garnered at least 10% of voting intentions in the polls and represent a party with candidates in 75% of the electoral districts.

    It will be the only French debate to take place between the two candidates for mayor of Montreal. The debate English will be presented on Monday, October 23.

    This is the 5 November that the voters will go to the polls to elect the mayor or to the mayor of Montreal.