The Tesla Model X is it effective off-road ?

Avto 30 December, 2017
  • Youtube – Bjørn Nyland

    Germain Goyer

    Wednesday, 27 December 2017 15:59

    Wednesday, 27 December 2017 15:59

    Look at this article

    Have you ever seen someone doing the off-road with a Tesla Model X ? Probably not. And neither do we.

    As is well known in the field of electric vehicle, Bjørn Nyland has placed a strain on its Model X in the leading in nature.

    Even if it has high suspensions, the more possible it has had problems since the ground clearance is relatively low. In addition, he admits himself not to be the driver more experienced in driving off-road.

    We’ll let you see for yourself the damage suffered by the Model X.

    Read also : When a Tesla Model X gets into the Holiday spirit