Death of Ludovic Chancel : Sylvie Ortega Munos tells you on the loss of their twin – Gala

Entertainment, Techno 19 July, 2017


Sylvie Ortega Munos confides about her relationship with Ludovic Chancel, who died the 7th of July last. The one that she called my “baby ” does the left ever. She tells in the pages of Gala they were about to become parents of twins. Unfortunately, the former model in spain resulted in a miscarriage.

They were already united to Las Vegas and were planning to renew their vows may 20, 2018, the day of the anniversary of Sylvie Ortega Munos. The former model of Spanish tells the magazine Gala, the last moments of his “baby ” but also the most intense moments they have experienced together and all the love she held for him.

She was crazy about him and him crazy for it, and yet he had the pain of living. With its complicated relationship with his mother, Sheila, and his father, Ringo, Ludovic Chancel became a man in a complex and fragile. Even more so, after the miscarriage of his girlfriend.”We lost a set of twins. I had a miscarriage. I’m a better discount because I already had my children, but Ludo had been very affected” has entrusted Sylvie Ortega Munos.

He had already had a daughter, unwanted, with a woman crossing a dozen years before. Here, too, the event had broken, who had not had childhood, and the love that he desired.

Last July 7, after a drug overdose, Ludovic Chancel died at the age of 42 years. Today, it is his girlfriend in mourning, who lives in the sadness.”You know, I’m not the type to have suicidal thoughts, but I am very afraid to die of grief. I love it so much, so much …

Ludovic Chancel

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