Denis Gallant open to the direction of the SPVM
Tuesday, 27 march, 2018 09:48
Tuesday, 27 march, 2018 09:50
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While his contract as inspector general of the City of Montreal is coming to its end, Me Denis Gallant is already talking about his future, and says, “do not close any door”… even that of the post of director of the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM).
In an interview to the Quebec morning, the former chief prosecutor of the Charbonneau commission has stated that it intends to occupy his position until the fall or “early winter”, even if his five-year contract ends in February 2019. When it was pointed out that this coincides with the end of the mandate of Martin Prud’homme, acting director of the SPVM, Me Gallant has denied any direct link, but admitted that the position might interest you.ç
“This piece was not wanted. […] I laugh! I was seen at the head of several locations, including the UPAC, the SPVM also… Like I said, if there ever was a process open, and that it is a big “if”, and the second “if” is whether it is a civilian, it may be something that could be interesting. I do not close any doors”, he confided.
Me Gallant does not exclude, also, a return to the practice of law which he describes as “one of the most beautiful professions in the world”.
As for the work it has accomplished over the past four years, the inspector-general considers that he can say “mission accomplished” and that work will continue despite his departure.
“There are just the head part. The Office of the inspector general as an institution is formed, is fully operational with 30 individuals who work very hard with backgrounds different, and which has given results”, concludes Me Denis Gallant.