First hand of the Jays a-Jays Four +, very good intra-auricular to less than 100 €!

Techno 7 June, 2017

Released in 2011 for the first time, the a-Jays Four made a beauty again in 2017. Considered among the best in-ear at less than 100 euros, these headphones have just arrived at the editorial office. And here are my first impressions!
While the u-Jays separated a few months ago from its cable, it’s the turn of the a-Jays Four earphones to change look. Aesthetically, these new in-earphones resemble their elders that had been born in 2011. This new version which is recognizable with a simple ” + ” is more ergonomic and promises a better sound quality. And if users of the first version of Jays’ headphones regretted the rigidity of their cable, they will be delighted to learn that the a-Jays Four + are much less so.
A-Jays Four + have one of the best value for money in the market
In my ears, the new in-ear Jays are easily forgotten. Thanks to their featherweight , I almost forgot their existence ! But if your ear is shallow, you may be embarrassed at first by the headphones. Fortunately, we get used to it very quickly. And from the first few seconds of listening to the album Ipséité de Dem’s, I really kiffé these a-Jays Four +. The sound is warm not to say that it tutoie perfection. And thanks to a passive sound isolation, I almost felt like sharing the stage with the rapper Damso . Well, strongly my test to learn more about these headphones that are available for purchase, through here .