IPhone 7 Plus: 3 things I’d like to change!

The iPhone 7 Plus is cool, but it is not perfect! Here are three things I would change about the flagship if I could.
Earlier in the week, meltyStyle was sharing the rankings of the best-selling smartphones in the world in the first quarter of 2017 . The iPhone 7 and the iPhone 7 Plus camped on the top two positions, still at the top a few months after their officialization. But if they have many qualities, the two smartphones of Apple are not perfect … This is the case of the 5.5 inch version, which I have used for several months already . So that the Cupertino company continues to improve – and also to unwind – so I decided to list the 3 things I would like to change on the iPhone 7 Plus. Let’s go!
1) Its aspect ratio
It is by holding the LG G6 and the Samsung Galaxy S8 + in the hands that I began to hate its design. Next to its South Korean rivals, the iPhone 7 Plus makes it almost coarse … It’s smaller than them (5.5 inches versus 5.7 inches and 6.2 inches), but it’s much harder To handle. Luckily Apple has planned to reduce its borders on the iPhone 8 – at least that’s what is being said – because otherwise I would have cracked!
2) Its recharge time
Another thing that worries me to the highest point, the time that the iPhone 7 Plus to recharge . While the new smartphones are all compatible with the fast charge, it takes almost 3 hours to Apple to refuel. When I do not have much time in front of me, it’s quite embarrassing … Especially that I do not want to damage the battery by unplugging it / reconnecting without stopping. Thank goodness that the autonomy is satisfactory!
3) The lack of a jack
Okay, maybe I’ll pass for a pooper … But frankly, I miss the jack plug! When I forget the small adapter supplied with the headphones – which is so small that it is quickly made to paumer – I find myself stupid in front of my PC, because I can not connect it. Same when I zapped my headphones, and I want to use those of a colleague to listen to a recording on my iPhone. Impossible ! For now, it’s really re-read … But I imagine I’ll get used to it. And you, would you like to change what?