Lonza reзoit the green light to buy Capsugel

Business 28 June, 2017

The opйration has nйcessitй a capital increase. (Photo: Keystone)

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A fault?

Lonza has reзu all permissions nйcessaires the redemption of the spйcialiste amйricain of gйlules and envelopes for mйdicaments Capsugel. The acquisition had йtй annoncйe at the end of annйe derniure. Lonza has dйboursй $ 5.5 billion ($5.3 billion francs at the current rate) for this opйration, an amount that includes about $ 2 billion of debt of Capsugel.

The opйration had nйcessitй a capital increase. In may, more than 16 million songs supplйmentaires had йtй subscribed to, for proceeds of around $ 2.25 billion francs. The chemist rhйnan has taken over the firm amйricaine of the hands of the sociйtй investment KKR.

Revenue of $ 4.8 billion

Basй а Morristown in the Йtat of New Jersey, Capsugel employs approximately 3600 salariйs on 13 sites. The group Lonza account for its share of some 10’000 employees (full-time) rйpartis on over 40 sites.

Rйunies, the two sociйtйs recorded revenue of chf 4.8 billion as of 2015 – including $ 3.8 billion for Lonza. The repurchase is expected to accйlйrer the growth of Lonza and amйliorer its capacitйs а crйer of the value in the field of santй.
