More and more young men are moving away from the car

Avto 11 October, 2017
  • carballo –

    QMI agency

    Wednesday, 11 October, 2017 08:46

    Wednesday, 11 October, 2017 08:46

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    The young people of Quebec, and particularly men, are less and less followers of the automobile, show data of the Groupement des assureurs automobiles (GAA).

    Between 2011 and 2016, the Group has observed a lack of interest marked for the car among young people. Among men aged 16 to 20 years, there is 20 % less than vehicles insured, while those aged 21 to 24 years have decreased the number of cars insured 10 %.

    The young people in Quebec, have also followed, in part, the trend. It has 15 % fewer cars insured in women 16 to 20 years, but those 21 to 24 years have increased their number of insured vehicles of 7 %.


    Read also: The 6 steps to the car without driver


    “In total, we have seen a decrease in the number of cars insured in 14 % for men and 2 % for women. These data clearly indicate that attitudes are changing and that, for the milléniaux, owning a car is not a “must”,” underlined the head of public affairs of the GAA, Anne Morin.

    During this period, the number of cars insured by men has increased from 219 000 to 188 000, while the number of cars insured by women increased from 185 000 to 181 000.

    More and more cars in the elderly

    If young people are moving away from the car, this is not the case of drivers who are older, who are increasingly adopting.

    For more than 65 years, the number of insured vehicles increased by 28 % in men and 37% for women between 2011 and 2016. The men of this group had provided 580 000 cars at the end of the period, as compared to 368, 000 for the women.

    “These data reflect the aging of the population, but we also show that seniors wish to maintain their autonomy for as long as possible”, thought it was Ms. Morin.