Obama urged to control social networks to protect democracy

Politics 22 April, 2022

On Thursday, April 21, the 44th President of the United States Barack Obama noted the need to regulate social networks due to improper informing users about the world situation, a politician at the University of California said closer to midnight. Obama considers modern platforms harmful to society and democracy as a whole.

The ex-president also claims that social networks strengthen the negative aspects of humanity. According to his statements, users have ceased to notice the line between reality and lies. The Democratic leader confirmed the unlikelihood of his victory in the previous presidential election without the participation of Facebook, Twitter and MySpace platforms, but now he believes otherwise. According to the politician, social networks have become an instrument of manipulation and control of society, so the government should take all necessary measures to solve this problem.

«People publish false content that is actively promoted by platforms. Such publications often become the subject of active discussion and are perceived in truth. Unfortunately, such content more often attracts the attention of users, thereby changing public opinion. Social networks contribute to these ideas, so we must control the process of informing to protect the truth and democracy», – said Barack Obama during a speech at the University of California.

Recall that earlier, former President Donald Trump announced the falsification of elections by Democrats in 2020 and called for a recount of votes legally. After his statements, the social media accounts of the then president were blocked. At that time, the administrators of social networks called the publications of the politician false and provocative. Now Barack Obama is calling on the government to review the policy of all information platforms to preserve democracy and the truthfulness of content.