Snow off his car before taking the road, it is mandatory

Avto 8 February, 2018
  • Erik Peters/QMI AGENCY

    Frédéric Mercier

    Thursday, February 8, 2018 10:52

    Thursday, February 8, 2018 10:52

    Look at this article

    With the snow accumulations of the last few days, several motorists might be tempted to remove snow from their vehicle to look forward to before you take to the road.

    The driver of a vehicle poorly plowed exposes, however, the financial consequences in addition to its safety and the safety of others in danger.


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    In addition to ensuring optimal visibility, clearing your vehicle properly, assure you that no mounds of snow or ice come off of it to go and hit another road user. It is therefore your own safety, but also that of others.

    According to the Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ), “when the visibility of a vehicle is reduced by an accumulation of snow, ice or fog, a peace officer may issue the driver a fine of$ 100 to$ 200, plus fees, and require that the vehicle (including the windshield, the headlights, lights and reflectors to be cleaned before it resume the road”.

    It is also imperative that the license plate of your car is well visible. A violation of this rule can also result in a fine.