Two times less of apricots: the fault in gel!

Business 28 June, 2017

(Photo: Keystone/Archives/photo illustration)

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A fault?

The Valais is expected to produce this annйe about 4200 tonnes of apricots. The rйcolte at an average of around 8000 tons, indiquй Wednesday а ats secrйtaire gйnйral of the Interprofession des fruits et lйgumes of Valais (IFELV) Olivier Borgeat, referring to a information of Rhфne FM.

Paradoxically, the maturitй of the fruit has been a fortnight in advance, due to the high heat of June, prйcise Mr. Borgeat. the rйcolte has dйbutй а mid-June. She йtend up а end aoыt. Malgrй the quantitйs lower, the prices will not take the elevator, assurй Mr. Borgeat.

The pressure of imports

However, it is possible that the diffйrence price with apricots йtrangers more йlevйe. Due on the 1st of July, the imports will be taxйes. But as the volumes will be more significant, discounts from any of the exporters are not а exclude them, said Mr Borgeat.

The Swiss consume each year 16’000 tons of apricots. In gйnйral, the moitiй comes from the Valais. The fruit importйs are taxйs to reduce competition with the fruit indigunes. Malgrй all, apricots йtrangers remain best marchй.

The climate prйoccupe

The gel may have consйquences serious for some producers. Olivier Borgeat not currently possible to exclude any risk of bankruptcy malgrй the aid promised which the dйtail is not yet known.

The phйnomиne mйtйorologique unusual also causes a wide rйflexion in the middle tree. The apricot is, in part, cultivй on the hillsides, areas oщ the fight against the gel spray is not possible due to the lack of rйseau irrigation.

The spйcialistes have constatй that some areas do not have йtй little touchйes by the gel and that some variйtйs apricots have better rйsistй. These paramutres must be analysйs more than before, ” Mr. Borgeat. They will can be а finding ways to respond to the mood swings of the weather.
