5 Easy Sprucing Tips for Your Home

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed our lives in so many ways. We have been living very social lives, attending parties, traveling, and spending most of our time outdoors. Then, we were forced to be cooped up at home in the blink of an eye due to the stringent quarantine guidelines. Suddenly, we have to spend all day at home instead of living carefree lives. With all the extra time in our hands from the work-from-home situation, now is the best time to live the best life at home. There has been a clamor to make living arrangements more comfortable and easy-on-the-eye. Now is the best time to organize, splash on some paint, and conduct a few DIY renovations around the house. Give your front yard and deck a refresh with a coat or two of marine paint to enhance the look and improve its durability. Here are more ways to spruce up your home and turn it into your sanctuary.
Map out your space
Space planning is the process that identifies and determines the best layout possible for the room. It involves planning out the perfect design that allows optimal movement and the best possible traffic flow. Ultimately, a well mapped-out room gives off a comforting vibe to the inhabitant while making it visually pleasing to move around and do activities and chores. Therefore, an excellent layout with carefully curated furniture placement is vital to creating a functional space.
Move around décor and swap out accessories.
Spice things up by exchanging placement of furniture and decor. For example, those throw pillows may have a better vibe in the bedroom than in the living room. Similarly, curtains can lighten up a room instantly. At first, it may be challenging to do, for we are creatures of habit. Take time to plan it out, then change things up. Frequently rearranged items are lamps, artworks, vases, accent chairs, or mirrors.
Bring the outdoors in
Blooms and plants can liven up a space instantly. Similarly, it can also improve the mood of the inhabitants with cozy colors and textures.
First, decorate your center table with fresh flowers from your garden. Then, incorporate them into unexpected areas like the bathroom, bedside table, and kitchens. In addition, plants can also purify the air while beautifying your home.
Curate your gallery wall
Printables are an affordable way to build your wall art gallery. Design apps allow non-designers to create their artworks. These printables can be resized and framed to elevate a mundane wall or blank staircase around the house.
A great way to spruce up your space is to style a focal point in your home. Typically, bookcases and staircases are curated as front and center décor.
Organizing and tidying up can instantly spruce up any living space at zero cost. Clutter and disorganization are directly related to anxiety and stress. It significantly affects your ability to focus and distract you from sleep. However, it is a healthy practice to spend time and resources to declutter and decompress space. Never allow your living situation to take a toll on your health, now more than ever.
Ultimately, these five easy sprucing up tips can transform your humdrum home into a beautiful and functional sanctuary. All in all, living spaces must be well laid out, tidy, and reflects the owner’s style and preferences.
Image: https://www.pexels.com/photo/black-home-area-rug-2950003/