Netflix cancels the brilliant series mockumentaire American Vandal

Cinema 27 October, 2018






In life, there are a series which come from a little nowhere, and naturally find their place in our hearts, as if they had always been there. And with its stories of giant dicks and terrorism laxative, American Vandal, is clearly one of those.

Originally, American Vandal is a pastiche of the documentary series on judicial , whose love americans. A simple case in appearance, but which, thanks to the hard work of two investigators, quickly reveals its shadow areas, and updates a reality more sordid than previously thought. Of course, the guilty ideal is never the good and the benefit of this type of programs is to understand how it is going to be cleared.

That is, you take the concept and you bring in an american high school where a student wanker is accused of having trashed all the cars of the teachers by drawing giant dicks on the door. You can imagine the inquiry-based coups de théâtre, betrayals, revelations and a thorough study of the crime (is it that the guilty is really guilty knowing that their dicks don’t have hair then it is her trademark usually ?) and you will have a small idea of what is American Vandal.


Psychosis in high school


If it’s not enough for you, now imagine a catholic high school bourgeois without apparent problem. And then, a terrorist attack that comes to traumatize the community, a diarrhea giant, other attacks based of poop, a criminal who calls himself the Chieur Hidden and you will have a different idea of what is American Vandal.

We love, and we’re not afraid to say it. Because behind the bullshit facade, there is a gigantic critical to the vitriol of american society, and western by extension. Because it is of a rare finesse, intelligence and crazy sense of humor pest. In short, if you have not yet done so, take a look at American Vandal.


Investigators determined


And also, hurry up because the series just fall on a big tile, as Netflix has just announced officially in a press release that it would stop the production after two seasons :

“American Vandal will not return for a third season. We are really grateful to its creators and his team for having brought their humor if innovative on Netflix. Just as we would like to thank their fans for hosting this sense of derision unique and non-conventional.”

And it is little to say ! So yes, we are a little sad, but it is rumored that the series could be taken in hand by the chain CBS, which remains, of course, to confirm. Hoping that, if this occurs, this does not affect the freedom of your capital to the series. This is far from guaranteed.


A guilty ideal ?