13 Reasons Why: Katherine Langford (Hannah) answers the controversy around the series

Cinema 22 May, 2017

The series, 13 Reasons Why addresses sensitive subjects such as school harassment, depression, rape and suicide. Following criticism, Katherine Langford (Hannah), responds.
The Netflix series, 13 Reasons Why, has been packed all over the world ! Season 1 follows the adventures of Hannah, a young high school student who put an end to her days. Behind her, she will leave tapes for all the people who have pushed her to commit this irreparable act. Although the series is intended to be preventive about suicide and school harassment, it has been controversial for some schools and associations. In the final episodes of Season 1 of 13 Reasons Why , viewers attended a rape scene and Hannah Baker’s suicide in all the details …
Hannah Baker, series, netflix, 13 Reasons Why, Katherine Langford
Hannah Baker’s suicide scene shocked and sparked controversy
Shocking for some, preventive for others, 13 Reasons Why divides. Several associations and spectators have blamed the way the series deals with controversial subjects such as suicide, rape or depression. They worry that some young people will reproduce the fatal act of Hannah Baker , illustrated at the end of season 1 of 13 Reasons Why . Following this polemic, Katherine Langford, the interpreter of Hannah Baker, explained on the set of Jimmy Fallon, last week:
“Of course, this show is a controversial issue, and I think that such subjects make people speak, and that’s what’s important, we have represented so many important issues that it will necessarily affect people differently, depending on their personal experiences. But being personally involved in the series […] and being a young adult, embodying a young adult and representing these essential issues, I am really proud of the way in which we have represented things […] The number of followers on Instagram has increased a lot, so I put a link to 13reasonswhy.info and the organization itsonus.org in my bio.I thought that if one girl out of 10 was watching this, out of 5 million , There would be chances to help a lot of people … “Anyway,The series raises a taboo of size and we look forward to discover the sequel in season 2 of 13 Reasons Why , which will be broadcast very soon on Netflix !