Secret Story 10 – Melanie and Bastien soon married: “It’s in our projects”
The couple swims in happiness.
Bastien and Mélanie are undoubtedly the two candidates of Secret Story 10 who did the most talking. Their numerous disputes have rocked the House of Secrets and annoyed a lot of candidates and internet users. But their couple problems are now behind them.
During an interview for the magazine Public , the lovebirds were assured that everything was going well since the end of the show ” . The missions and other candidates really sowed havoc us But today it does there is no more confused. “Mélanie Bastien and have therefore met their respective in-laws. And good news, everything went well. What give the old candidates of NT1 to want to burn the stages by moving together. ” I will leave Geneva soon and we will settle in Paris in a new apartment from mid-January ,” he told Melanie.
2017 is also the year of their marriage …. as explained by the (!) Great rival Vincent Queijo : ” We have not yet determined date but it’s really in our projects (… ). it is true that everything goes very fast, some decisions may seem impulsive, but there really is a great chemistry and a nice dynamic between us. “we assure you, Mélanie Bastien does not believe, however, to become parents in the immediate. They prefer to dedicate themselves to their professional projects: blogs specialized on fashion.