House of Cards : Robin Wright, ” remarks on the fate of Kevin Spacey in the new teaser of the final season

Cinema 6 September, 2018






Expected on Netflix on November 2, the ultimate season of House of Cards had yet to reveal to us how she had arranged the return of Kevin Spacey. We know, thanks to this new teaser.

Become persona non grata after a rain of accusations of sexual assault, resulted in six indictments on the side of Scotland Yard, Kevin Spacey has faced the cancellation of all its current projects (to be replaced by Christopher Plummer in All the money in the world ). His ouster from House of Cards is a symbol, as the series Netflix was one of the tools of his return to the front of the stage.



His disappearance was recorded very quickly, in the days following the accusations made against him. But it was still unaware of how Netflix had decided to manage scénaristiquement this reversal and how Claire Underwood (Robin Wright) would take the lead. All the more, qua’even before the ouster of Spacey, it was expected that this season 6 is the last season of the show,

A few weeks of its release, this last round of episodes reveals the fate of the most evil president that the United States had ever known. This poor Frank is dead, and as if to emphasize the irony of the situation and the position of pestiférée of the interpreter of the anti-hero, his widow Claire contemplates in this trailer his headstone, saying a replica diverting the one that said Kevin Spacey in the first episode of the third season.

“I’ll tell you Francis, when I bury him, it will not be at the bottom of my garden, and when they come to make their farewells, they will have to do the tail. “



Robin Wright and Kevin Spacey