Once Upon A Time Season 6: Will the series stop this year?

While season 6 of Once Upon A Time will soon resume service, one question arises: is it possible that this one is the last?
It is the 5th of March (that is to say in about ten days) that Once Upon A Time will make its return on the American chain ABC for new episodes. And it is a second part of Season 6 particularly expected that will land on our screens with, in particular, a musical episode scheduled for spring. However, for some weeks now, the future does not seem so radiant for the magic series of ABC. Indeed, a lot of information suggests that the end of the series is fast approaching . It was learned a few days ago that in case of renewal for season 7, Once Upon A Time could operate a total reboot of his plot with new characters that will be introduced during the final season. But was it a season?
It is very likely that the show will be renewed for a final season. For the time being, the network has not yet expressed itself on the subject, but in view of the hearings carried out in recent times, it can not be imagined that it will continue for many years. Season 6 should not be the last, but if a season 7 is ordered, it will probably be the ultimate in the series . While waiting to learn more, discover on melty all the details of episode 11 of season 6 of Once Upon A Time . What do you think ?