The 100 season 4: Episode 5, what will happen in “The Tinder Box”?
The 100 episode of season 4 of The 100 will be broadcast next Wednesday in the USA. But what is going to happen?
Last Wednesday , The CW was broadcasting the fourth episode of the new season of The 100. An episode marked by many decisions by our characters, but also by the almost death of Octavia . The latter has indeed fought with Echo, who stabbed her and then see her fall from a cliff … Fortunately for our heroine, she escaped, but her condition remains critical. Next week, the tension will go up a notch in the series. It must be said that in “A Lie Guarded” , Roan made the decision to break the alliance between his people as well as that of the Trikru and Skaikru. For now, the war has not been declared, but in the Episode 5 of season 4 of The 100 , it could indeed be launched. We can see it in the trailer: while our heroes are stationed at strategic points, one of the Skaikru is close to shooting the Ice Nation, which would involve the beginning of the battle and An unprecedented bloodbath.
The mission of Clarke will be very simple: try to reason Roan and avoid entering the war of the different clans. But this will not be such a simple task, especially as convinced of the death of Octavia, our heroes could have the trigger easy. Besides, we will find the latter on the back of Helios, his horse. She will try to reach Arkadia, but her state of health will put her clearly in danger . All the more so, it is recalled, that she is not alone in the woods. Episode 5 of Season 4 of The 100 is next Wednesday on The CW, but in the meantime, find on melty the record of US audiences of the week . What do you expect from this episode?