Thor Ragnarok: Hela, The Grand Master … The film unveils with 9 unpublished photos
Day of luck for all the fans of the superhero Thor: 9 unpublished photos of Ragnarok have been unveiled and we learn a LOT!
THE EXCITATION IS IN HER COMBLE! While Thor Ragnarok will not be released until next November , the promotion around the film has just accelerated. If until now we had only the right to shoot pictures and statements from time to time, the American site EW has just unveiled 9 unpublished photos of the film and these give us a very good overview of what Awaits us in Ragnarok . We start with the MOST IMPORTANT (almost) Thor changes hairstyle! The God of Asgard dropped his long silky hair for a short cut and it gives him a bit more side … badass ?! You do not get too much to put your finger on it, but it looks more menacing. We also discover Cate Blanchett in Hela who for the blow let speak his dark side with long black hair and eyes marked with the same color. She does not seem overly friendly if you want our opinion.
A look a little more joyous for a character rather menacing, we discover the look of the Grand Master played by Jeff Goldblum. So we start on a slightly more flashy style and as Cristina Cordula would say it’s MAGNIFAICA! Blue, red and gold ON ADORE and yet he should not make buddy-buddy with our favorite superhero. Loki and Valkyrie are also at the rendezvous and we are so excited by these new images! While waiting for a first trailer of the film, you are offered to (re) discover the official synopsis of Thor Ragnarok on melty. What do you think of this first preview of Thor Ragnarok?