Vikings season 5: “The return of Rollo will be explosive” according to Clive Standen

You did not get enough Rollo in season 4 of Vikings? Good news, he will be back in the series, and it will not be to make the representation according to his interpreter!
Ragnar’s brother did not say his last word! Season 4 of Vikings ended recently, and it must be admitted that it was broadcast in a rather odd way, with a very big pause between its first and second part. We even felt like we were attending another season after the famous 10 year ellipse so the context was different. And the character that most characterizes this change is our dear Rollo. At the heart of the first part of season 4, he was the enemy number of the Vikings in his capacity of defender of Paris. He managed to repel his brother, and then nothing. After the ellipse, the plot was no longer centered on Paris, and Rollo was only seen during the expedition to the Mediterranean Sea, When he accompanied his nephew Bjorn. Too little for his fans, especially as at the same time his brother Ragnar was bidding farewell to the series! In fact, Rollo’s interpreter, actor Clive Standen, takes the lead role of another series, Taken, adapted from eponymous films. So it is rather busy boy! But we are reassured, Rollo will return in Season 5 of the Vikings, which could begin as early as November.
And the first to be delighted, it’s Clive Standen himself: “Each season, Michael Hirst (creator of the series, ed) . I was able to reinvent my character Season 5 is no exception to the When Rollo returns, all bets will be opened, and you will see it differently. ” But there is one thing that will never change about Rollo, it is the very controversial relationship he holds with his people, the Vikings. And according to Standen, we must prepare for a real fireworks when he will find them: “It will be explosive, but not as you expect …” He has a sense of teasing our Rollo! After the departure of Travis Fimmel aka Ragnar and a season 5 that could be fatal to Lagertha, Is therefore good news to learn that the last member of the trio of the beginning of the series still has good hours in front of him! And when talking about Lagertha, his interpreter Katheryn Winnick tease the resumption of filming of Season 5 , for the second part!