The 100 season 4: Episode 7, Clarke and Abby face a difficult choice in a first excerpt
Season 7 Episode 7 of The 100 will air tomorrow night on US screens. Discover an excerpt of “Gimme Shelter”.
The episodes follow each other and are similar in this season 4 of The 100 ! Between the many power struggles and the imminent apocalypse, Clarke and his team have many things to manage and especially hard decisions to take . And unfortunately, since the beginning of this fourth season, every attempt of our heroes is more or less a failure. Tomorrow night, the CW will release a new chapter of The 100 and this first excerpt of “Gimme Shelter” shows us that it is not ready to change! We are the only ones to find that the episodes of this season 4 of The 100 are a little redundant?
In episode 7 of season 4 of The 100 , Clarke will join the Abby team, which continues its research against radiation. Once again, she will face a rather dirty dilemma. To take advantage of the Nightbloods’ immunity, Abby teaches his daughter to inject their bone marrow into human cells. A rather simple solution, but is it effective? To find out, Abby will have to expose a guinea pig to very strong radiations . And that’s where it gets stuck. Clarke once again has the right of life and death over one of his people. Where is the limit for our heroine? Can it continue to sweep away its principles for the good of all? Who will sacrifice himself? Answer tomorrow night!