Mulan: The songs finally integrated into the film?
Excellent news, the songs of the cartoon Mulan could finally be integrated into the live-action being produced at Disney.
Fans of Mulan can breathe, the fate of the songs has not yet been fixed! You know, Disney has embarked on a big Live-Action project and while The Beauty and the Beast CARDS at the US and World Box Office , Mickey’s house has no reason to stop in such good way . Several cartoons that we adore when we were kids are about to offer a little young and Mulan is one of them. Our Chinese warrior will once again save China and she may do it in songs! A few days ago the director of the film announced that Mulan would not be a musical, but she has since returned to her statement.
She announced at the Los Angeles Time website ” I do not know where it came from, we never talked about the songs, no decision was made” . Everything is still possible and given the reaction of the fans when it was announced that “As a Man” , “A Beautiful Girl to Love” or “Reflexion” were not present in the live action, That Disney will make the right decision. Another live-action in production at Disney, The Lion King who has already found his voice for Simba & Mufasa ! Would you like the songs to be in the film?